Ohlone Greenway and Raingardens
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Ohlone Greenway and Raingardens
Ohlone Greenway and Raingardens

Photos by Sarah Sutton

The City of El Cerrito received an Urban Greening Prop 84 Grant to improve a 2.75- acre project area along a 0.3-mile stretch of the Ohlone Greenway, an urban trail connecting East Bay coastal cities. John Hykes project managed staff in the preparation of a landscape concept plan and detailed construction documents to restore two outfall culverts on forks of Cerrito Creek. The design highlights stormwater management in the Ohlone Greenway Natural Area, and incorporates the interception of stormwater from Fairmount Avenue. The project provides decorative rain gardens, an informal explorative natural play area, interpretive design elements, and improved riparian habitat and water quality. John lead a public process for the multimodal trail and outdoor rain garden through two site walks and two workshops with existing vested stakeholders.

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