Pierce Street Park, Albany CA
Pierce Street Park, Albany CA
Pierce Street Park, Albany CA

Pierce Street Park is a 4.5-acre site of “leftover” urban space (once the Caltrans off-ramp) bordered by Interstate 80, Pierce Street, and Cleveland Avenue. The project site master plan prepared will incorporate a passive neighborhood park with a future bicycle trail. While at PlaceWorks, John Hykes led the design of the park and conducted extensive community outreach. In the two decades since Caltrans abandoned the freeway ramp, Albany residents have strongly voiced the need for a new neighborhood park in the area. The site is wedged between the Interstate 80 elevated freeway and Pierce Street, creating concerns for noise, safety, air quality, and visibility both into and from the site. The existing elevations and steep slopes will require creative site planning and grading to allow functional spaces and optimal pedestrian access. With private residences abutting and overlooking the site, the planning and design process must allow for meaningful public interaction and contributions, which in turn will develop support and a sense of stewardship for the park.
